Students are moving back into Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill as classes are starting at Triangle Universities.
Dave DeWitt: Heavy rain over the weekend didn't make things easier for the tens of thousands of college students and parents lugging boxes up flights of stairs. Several schools were forced to cancel some outdoor activities over the weekend designed to welcome students to campus.
In Raleigh, Packapalooza was the highlight of the weekend, as N-C State celebrated its 125th anniversary with a street fair on Hillsborough Street. More than 4,300 freshman began classes on Thursday.
Classes begin in Chapel Hill tomorrow. Chancellor Holden Thorp welcomed students to campus at a convocation last night.
Students have been getting settled at NC Central for the past week. They were greeted with the news that Chancellor Charlie Nelms had abruptly announced his retirement. Charles Becton will serve as interim chancellor when classes start this morning.
Duke is the last of the four to open its doors. Students begin moving in tomorrow and start classes a week from today.