What is News?
In this episode we have the host of Reveal, Al Letson, with us. Al tells us:
"We live in a day and age where all of us need to be saying our stories out loud. What’s happening is we are more connected with people with no connection. I think that in this day and age telling your story is the most powerful thing you can do. I think that that’s the job of the poet, is to speak the truth about their lives and the lives of the people around them that you see. I think that when you’re doing journalism it’s about taking your interests and finding stories that line up with your interests and it's going to keep you interested. But also stepping out of the way and allowing the story to have its spotlight without you necessarily being the driver of the story.
Also in this episode we have our Youth Reporter Anthony Howard talk about our guest:
"When he said poetry was personal. It was coming from a more personal level than journalism. With Journalism you’re just excluding yourself from the story and you’re more focused on the interviewee. it was really cool to hear him say poetry is from his personal feelings and then when he does journalism or stories it comes from him just simply reporting about other peoples lives."