Elevate, a four-year non-degree program for those with disabilities like down syndrome, is accepting applications for its 2025 spring cohort
Authorities in South Africa say a UNC-Chapel Hill student has died while on a hike in Cape Town. She was in the country on an exchange program. 20-year-old Brook Cheuvront was reported missing on Saturday while hiking in Table Mountain National Park.
The Cumberland County School District held its 5th annual feather ceremony for graduating Native American high school seniors.
High School students in Fayetteville created a project about Army Special Operations Soldiers on secret missions in Berlin, Germany during the Cold War. The grand opening for the exhibit is May 7.
Why do some students succeed while others do not? This question has stumped teachers, school administrators, and education policy professionals who try to…
Why do some students succeed while others do not? This question has stumped teachers, school administrators, and education policy professionals who try to…
A town hall about race and inclusion on UNC’s campus Thursday drew loud protests and candid reflections from students. The discussion comes on the heels…
Aisha Anwar remembers when she attended a campus lecture last year as a UNC-Chapel Hill sophomore. She was one of the only Muslims in the crowd. The guest…
North Carolina education leaders are proposing dramatic changes to the state's public education system. A group tasked with retooling the Common Core…
North Carolina education leaders are proposing dramatic changes to the state's public education system. A group tasked with retooling the Common Core…