Note: This is a rebroadcast. This program originally aired September 6, 2016. Infertility affects one in eight couples in the United States, according to…
Note: This is a rebroadcast. This program originally aired September 6, 2016. Infertility affects one in eight couples in the United States, according to…
Misusing words and phrases drives the language purists among us crazy, but for English professor Robert Rubin, malapropisms are not only amusing but…
Misusing words and phrases drives the language purists among us crazy, but for English professor Robert Rubin, malapropisms are not only amusing but…
Duke English professor Tsitsi Jaji remembers the noises of independence outside her window in her home country of Zimbabwe when she was 4 years old. Jaji…
Duke English professor Tsitsi Jaji remembers the noises of independence outside her window in her home country of Zimbabwe when she was 4 years old. Jaji…
George Gopen thought it was a riot when he beat his college roommate in a pun contest. "If you keep maltreating your girlfriend, she will send you a dijon…
George Gopen thought it was a riot when he beat his college roommate in a pun contest. "If you keep maltreating your girlfriend, she will send you a dijon…
A state commission reviewing the Common Core standards is proposing major changes to the Math and English goals.The 11-member group presented draft…
This fall marks the 150th anniversary of a landmark in the history of American dictionary making: the creation of the 1864 edition of Webster's…