The Orange County man who raised an enormous Confederate battle flag on his property along Highway 70 is appealing the county’s ruling that his flag violates a new ordinance.
The rule, which was approved last year, limits flags to 4 by 6 square feet. County commissioners approved it in response to complaints about the oversized Confederate flag. Property owners were given a year to come into compliance before county staffers issued notices this summer on a dozen flags that appeared to be too large.
Robert “Doug” Hall Jr. put up the large battle flag on his property last year with the help of the pro-Confederate group Alamance County Taking Back Alamance County.
County officials said Hall is challenging the notice that his flag violates the ordinance. He filed an appeal with the county Board of Adjustment this week.
“The appeal would be heard in a Board of Adjustment meeting, and then once that decision is made, if the property owner is still unsatisfied, he can appeal to the Superior Court,” said Orange County Community Relations Director Todd McGee.
If both rule against him, he could face fines of up to $500 dollars a day, though McGee said that’s not likely the path the county would pursue.
“What [the county] would do is seek the injunctive relief through the courts, which would hopefully just ask him to take the flag down,” said McGee.
The Board of Adjustment could consider the matter later this fall.
McGee said the other property owners contacted about the flag ordinance are abiding by the county’s rules.