For the first time, Greensboro Public Library will host a story time event for adults with special needs, like those with autism, for example.
Sensory Storytime is a way for special needs adults to see, smell, and hear by using repetitive rhymes, and interactive call and responses. It’s in the children's part of the library, where there are several bright colors. The free event includes short books and storytelling, music, and movement.
Autuan Hawkins, the special needs librarian at the Greensboro Public Library, said there are several items that participants can take home with them from the multi-sensory storytime.
“We may have, you know, balls, rhythm sticks, we might have instruments,” he said. “Sometimes we'll even make the instruments [and] we will let them take them.”
The library also has other inclusive programs at different branches including one for Autism Awareness and an American Sign Language Class. Hawkins said they want to touch everyone who comes into the library.
“So that's one of the main things,” he said. “We want to give everyone some kind of program or some kind of literacy informational programs.”
Primary guardians, parents or organizations must register participants for Storytime by calling the library. The story time for adults event is Thursday at 1 p.m. at Greensboro’s Central Library.