It's funny when an artist comes to WFUV for an in-studio performance and isn't even old enough to order a drink at a bar (in the U.S. anyway). At the ripe old age of 20, Adele is surely wise beyond her years as she writes songs of heartbreak and loneliness. With the gift of a big, clear voice, she finds herself in the midst of major success right now. Her visit to WFUV was charming, sweet, and honest as she told the story of her burgeoning career.
More About Adele
Coming up along with a slew of British singers who look back to classic '60s girl groups, Adele stands out with a bracing, bluesy voice. More than her peers — Amy Winehouse and Duffy, for example — Adele has a funky side, while still maintaining an artistic side. Her debut, 19, is named for her age when she recorded it.
Originally recorded June 9, 2008.
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