Bayer CropScience is moving forward with multi-million dollar plans to upgrade its North American and Global Seeds headquarters in Research Triangle Park.
Bayer CropScience’s latest announcement includes building a new greenhouse in RTP. The greenhouse will include research on seeds, plant disease and insect testing. The greenhouse, plus surrounding infrastructure and parking expansion will cost about $29.6 million.
This is the second new greenhouse in two years. Company leaders say the move will enhance its position in Agriculture and Bio-Science. Two other greenhouses at the site are more than 30 years old.
In April, Bayer CropScience opened its $2.1 million Bee Care Center. And the $33 million in renovations to the headquarters in RTP should be completed next year.
Seven hundred people work at the RTP, Bayer CropScience headquarters. There is no word on any new hiring within the company.