More than four decades after the Greensboro Massacre, the city formally apologizes for the role of city police. On Nov. 3, 1979, a caravan of Ku Klux Klansmen and American Nazi Party members pulled out weapons and killed five people protesting at an anti-Klan march in Greensboro. Ten people were injured, and the police were nowhere to be found — even though they knew a violent attack was coming.
The Greensboro City Council voted 7-2 on a resolution that includes both a formal apology and details about an annual scholarship program that awards $1,979 to five graduates of Dudley High School in memory of the five victims.
Host Frank Stasio gets reaction from Reverend Nelson Johnson, executive director of the Beloved Community Center in Greensboro and a survivor of the Greensboro Massacre.
Archival image courtesy Greensboro News & Record.