Wake County Schools superintendent Tony Tata may learn today if he still has a job.
Board members spent more than three hours yesterday in closed session. They made no decision. But Republican members who support Tata -- like John Tedesco -- left the meeting upset about where they were.
John Tedesco: In a closed session personnel item when I should be working on something like student achievement.
Some parents have criticized the choice-based student assignment plan Tata has implemented. They've been vocal about recent problems with school bus pick-ups as well. Parent Niki Speri feels Tata is trying to make the district better
Niki Speri: For some reason no one's allowing him to do that and that's what's unfortunate about this whole situation. It'd be a sad day if they did let him go.
Democrats on the board didn't comment.
Kevin Hill: It's closed session. It'll remain closed session.
Republican Debra Goldman described the mood as..
Debra Goldman: Strained. I think that's the best word for it
The board will continue its closed-door meeting this afternoon.