The N.C. Watchdog Reporting Network sought public records about redistricting from legislators and their staff. Some failed to live up to the promise of the transparency law.
The N.C. Watchdog Reporting Network requested the calendars of the state’s top leaders. That included members of the Council of State — the 10 statewide elected executive officials — and each of the cabinet secretaries who run state agencies in Cooper’s administration.
In many North Carolina counties, school staff aren't tracking vaccination rates of their faculty or staff, let alone requiring a vaccine, even though educators increasingly say they support mandates, according to a survey by the N.C. Watchdog Reporting Network.
The North Carolina Watchdog Reporting Network examined COVID-19 policies in North Carolina’s school districts as we approach two months into this new year. And they found wide disparities in the way that districts across the state are choosing to protect their students.
The late summer surge of COVID-19 hospitalizations – driven by the delta variant and a state population that remains nearly 50% unvaccinated – has severely taxed an already burdened health care system.
Since late 2019, federal law has required states to collect details on deaths during interactions with law enforcement. North Carolina officials have again refused to release information on the deaths of people who died in custody.
In North Carolina, transparency over deaths in custody remains elusive, inconsistent.
Darrell Kersey’s family knew something was wrong.When he called his wife from the Durham County Jail this past summer, he said he had a sore throat and…
While North Carolinians requested nearly 1.4 million absentee ballots, fewer than half of those have been returned and accepted. Government and watchdog…
Mid-afternoon on Thursday, February 13, Laketha Miller sent an email to division directors at the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services,…