Comedian Dominique has performed alongside Tracy Morgan, Chris Rock, and Dave Chappelle. But she says her comedic inspiration doesn’t come from these comedy all-stars, it comes from her mother.
She was raised by a straightforward woman who encouraged her to ‘tell the truth’ and ‘call it as you see it,’ and that’s exactly what she does on stage.She has appeared on HBO’s “","_id":"00000177-6ee9-df44-a377-6ffbad400000","_type":"035d81d3-5be2-3ed2-bc8a-6da208e0d9e2"}">
Host Frank Stasio talks with Dominique about what it’s been like to do professional standup comedy for more than two decades. Dominique performs at Goodnight’s Comedy Club in Raleigh tonight and tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. and 10 p.m. and on Sunday at 7:30 p.m.
Watch her perform live in Arlington [this video includes language that may not be suitable for all audiences]: