The town of Chapel Hill will appeal a judge's rulings that struck down new towing and cell phone ordinances.
Isaac-Davy Aronson: Chapel Hill's ban on cell phone use while driving was the first of its kind in the state, but it's actually the towing ordinance that's brought out the strongest feelings in the town. Residents have complained of alleged predatory practices by local towing companies. The council earlier this year approved rules including maximum allowable towing fees and distances. In response to a lawsuit from a towing company, Superior Court Judge Orlando Hudson ruled the ordinance was unconstitutional. He also found the town had overstepped its authority with the cell phone ban. At last night's closed session, the town council could have decided to rewrite the ordinances to comply with the rulings. Instead it will appeal. Mayor Mark Kleinschmidt says towns need to have the authority to implement their own rules.