Susan Phillips
Susan Phillips tells stories about the consequences of political decisions on people's every day lives. She has worked as a reporter for WHYY since 2004. Susan's coverage of the 2008 Presidential election resulted in a story on the front page of the New York Times. In 2010 she traveled to Haiti to cover the earthquake. That same year she produced an award-winning series on Pennsylvania's natural gas rush called "The Shale Game." Along with her reporting partner Scott Detrow, she won the 2013 Alfred I. duPont-Columbia University Journalism Award for her work covering natural gas drilling in Pennsylvania. She has also won several Edward R. Murrow awards for her work with StateImpact. She recently returned from a year as at MIT as a Knight Science Journalism Fellow. A graduate of Columbia School of Journalism, she earned her Bachelor's degree in International Relations from George Washington University.
Fifteen states are challenging the decision, arguing that the risk of explosion puts lives in danger. For one project, highly flammable gas will travel 200 miles through a busy East Coast corridor.
In preparation for sea level rise, vulnerable cities are building infrastructure to protect themselves. But as a look at New Orleans and Philadelphia shows, the strategies are unique to each city.