Updated at 4:25 p.m.
Governor Roy Cooper made another visit to Ocracoke Island today as the community recovers from Hurricane Dorian.
The storm inundated the island with several feet of storm surge earlier this month. Cooper stopped at the island's volunteer fire department and temporary medical center.
Access to the island is still limited, and students at the Ocracoke School are attending classes at a temporary teaching center.
Dorian's heavy rains and storm surge 2½ weeks ago flooded Ocracoke, leaving hundreds of residents temporarily stranded. State agencies and nonprofits have provided food and water, fuel, medical care and portable toilets and showers. Ocracoke access is still limited to residents, homeowners and some others.
Cooper visited Ocracoke the day after Dorian departed the North Carolina coast.
Ocracoke is in Hyde County, one of 13 counties in which Cooper has asked President Donald Trump to declare as disaster areas to access additional federal funds.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.