A state commission reviewing the Common Core standards heard from a few parents and activists yesterday. Opponents were especially vocal.
Jennifer Schrand was one of several speakers aligned with anti-Common Core groups. She told the academic standards review commission her fourth-grade daughter struggles with the new math standards, which stress more theoretical understanding.
“One day she told me, ‘Last year I was smart at math. But this year I’m not,'" Schrand said.
Commission co-chair Andre Peek said he's also heard from parents who support the standards, but he sees a few common frustrations.
"One day she told me, 'Last year I was smart at math. But this year I'm not.'"
“There’s some real issues around sequencing, there’s some real issues around clarity, there’s some real issues around just the number of standards that have to be dealt with, and these are issues that need to be addressed," he said.
The academic standards review commission was formed at the behest of lawmakers who oppose Common Core. It is scheduled to make a recommendation to the State Board of Education by the end of this year.