Lauren Hodge is an unapologetic fan of the television show “Glee.” She cheers whenever those plucky kids decide to put on a show and she thinks the show's success is based on the sense of community and belonging that kids feel when they work together to stage a performance. Hodge’s enthusiasm for young people working in concert also drives her newest effort called the Community Chorus Project. She and her collaborators, Terry Rhodes and Pat Parker join host Frank Stasio to talk about the magic of group performance.
Rhodes is the Chair of the Music Department at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a professor of Voice and Opera. Parker is an associate professor in the Department of Communications at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the founder of the Ella Baker Women’s Center for Leadership and Community. Also joining the conversation are Carolina Friends School students Chris Stevens Brown, a singer and member of the band Old 86, and Joe McPhail, a keyboard player.