Hamas' elaborate tunnels in Gaza have brought attention to underground warfare, but it's a tactic used by many other potential U.S. adversaries.
Ten people were shot during Tuesday morning's rush hour and another 13 people suffered injuries ranging from smoke inhalation to falls and panic attacks, authorities said.
The recent and devastating attack in Afghanistan by the so-called “Islamic State” killed up to 170 people at the Kabul airport — demonstrating that the battle against branches of the extremist group isn’t over, while both Muslims and non-Muslims remain in their line of fire. In this excerpt from Season 1, Imam Mohamed AbuTaleb of the Islamic Association of Raleigh walks us through Islamic texts as we refute ISIS’s claim to Islamic teachings. Please note: This episode discusses topics like suicide and sexual violence. | Hear more from Imam AbuTaleb here.
The listing describes the Proud Boys as a violent neofascist organization whose members "espouse misogynistic, Islamophobic, anti-Semitic, anti-immigrant, and/or white supremacist ideologies."
Rampant school shootings, mail bomb threats and a massacre at a synagogue give the impression that Americans are angry. And a quick flick through the news…
Rampant school shootings, mail bomb threats and a massacre at a synagogue give the impression that Americans are angry. And a quick flick through the news…
A new study from psychologists at North Carolina State University suggests that counter-terrorism experts miss an important piece of the puzzle when they…
President Trump has expanded a travel ban on mostly Muslim-majority countries for national security reasons. But N.C. State University psychologists say…
UNC-Chapel Hill is waiting for the federal government to release money awarded by the Obama Administration. Nobody is sure if it will ever come.In…
Concert-goers at the PNC Arena in Raleigh may notice new security measures starting this week: the arena will begin using canine units to detect potential…