Congress might be close to an overhaul of No Child Left Behind (NCLB), and the North Carolina State Board of Education is preparing for the reboot.The…
North Carolina hit an all-time high graduation rate in 2012. More than 80 percent of high school seniors earned their diplomas.Dave DeWitt: The 4-year…
Although put into law with bipartisan support in 2002, the No Child Left Behind Act has failed to create a good accountability system to best serve…
Although put into law with bipartisan support in 2002, the No Child Left Behind Act has failed to create a good accountability system to best serve…
North Carolina is one of eight states that have been granted a waiver from some of the most significant requirements of the education law "No Child Left…
North Carolina will be one of the states seeking a waiver from the Department of Education, exempting it from parts of No Child Left Behind. U.S.…
Another round of statewide test results came out on Thursday. More high school students are graduating, but more schools across North Carolina are falling…
School districts released preliminary results on Adequate Yearly Progress today. And the results, as usual, are mixed.The good news is more students are…