Note: this is a rebroadcast from May 20, 2015
The state of North Carolina has many claims to fame, but there is likely none more popular or controversial than the slogan on the state license plate: “First In Flight.” The phrase commemorates the spectacular achievement of brothers Wilbur and Orville Wright who piloted their first flight in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina in 1903.
The latest book by Pulitzer Prize-winning author and historian David McCullough shares a new side of the Wright Brothers’ story. McCullough traveled around the world and sifted through thousands of documents at the Library of Congress to uncover intimate details about the brothers. His book documents their early years, technological aptitude, family relationships, and lasting legacy.
Host Frank Stasio talks to David McCullough about “The Wright Brothers” (Simon and Schuster /2015).
Watch a video of one of the Wright Brothers' test flights in 1909: