The Fox television drama "Bones" ran from 2005 to 2017 - the longest drama in the network’s history. Our guest today was a producer on the show - and the writer who inspired it.
In fact, she’s the basis for one of the main characters - Temperance Brennan. "Tempe," as she's known, is based on both the life and novels of Kathy Reichs.
Reichs is a forensic anthropologist who's spent much of her career at UNC Charlotte. In addition to her academic research, she has penned 23 novels in the Temperance Brennan Series.
She sits down with Leoneda Inge to talk about her career, latest novel, "Fire and Bones," and what it was like adapting her work for television.
Kathy Reichs, forensic anthropologist, professor emerita in the Department of Anthropology at UNC Charlotte. "Fire and Bones" is the 23rd novel in the Temperance Brennan series.