Governor Bev Perdue and state education officials are touting the state’s improved high school graduation rate - and criticizing Republicans for making cuts.
For the first time, North Carolina graduates a higher percentage of high school students than the national average. According to a report by Education Week magazine, almost 73 % of the state’s high school students graduate – 14 % more than 10 years ago. Perdue is currently locked in a budget battle with the state legislature, much of it over education spending. She says the climbing graduation rate is evidence that funding shouldn’t be cut.
Governor Bev Perdue: "You can not do away with teachers and teacher assistants, you can not decimate the fabric of the public school system and expect great things in North Carolina."
According to the same survey, North Carolina now ranks 25th in the country in graduation rate, its highest ranking ever. The state is number one in the country in graduating African-American girls.