Rex Healthcare is back on the road with a brand new mobile mammography unit screening for breast cancer.
You can’t miss the shiny, pink and purple Mobile Mammography Unit.
“Yeah, we love it, she’s very pretty," said Wendy Avery, Mobile Mammography Coordinator.
The "pink" mammography unit is often called "she." “She” welcomed about 25 women Thursday, parked outside Revlon’s manufacturing plant in Oxford.
"We have the same equipment on the mobile unit that we do in our breast care centers," said Avery. "We want to ensure that everybody has the same opportunity regardless of where they are or their financial situation."
Amy Daniels agrees. She is Executive Director of Rex Healthcare Foundation.
“In the world of heath care, it’s a very important endeavor so that we can get out and screen the women that need to be screened and get to the areas that maybe have touch access or other financial barriers," said Daniels.
There are giant tubes of lipstick displayed on the big bus. Revlon and the Kay Yow Cancer Fund are two sponsors. Rex’s mammography units have served close to 40,000 women since 2001.
Friday, the new and improved mobile unit will stop at Alliance Medical Ministry in Raleigh.