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Jade City Pharaoh - Intentions of Patriots (Season 2, Ep. 6)

Jade City Pharaoh
Luis Franco

Last week, crime-fighting took a back seat to Herald's troubled love life. Now that he's revealed his secret identity to Belinda Goodall, the Pharaoh is back, and there's no time to lose. Right-wing terrorists, filling with Islamophobic hatred are threatening the security of Concrete Falls.

Jade City Pharaoh stars Mike Wiley.  The series is written by Howard Craft, with music by the Apple Juice Kid. WUNC's Frank Stasio is the producer/director. Follow our hero on Twitter: @JadeCityWarrior and on Facebook.


  • Mike Wiley as Herald MF Jones
  • Dana Marks as Det. Martina McCoy
  • Tony Perucci as Grimesly, leader of the Real American Movement
  • Sam Stephenson as Agent Albert Mann, FBI

Episode Script:
Scene 1: On top of barn

Sound effect:  Jones landing, the sound of his TUMBLING. Then "dammit."  The screech of an open mic, then the fumbling of that mic as Jones tries to put his ear-piece back in.

You okay Jones?

Cape got caught on the weather vane as I was landing.

And how long have you been flying ?

Sticking a landing on top of a barn in the pitch black of night while traveling at super sonic speed ain't quite the same as parallel parking.

OK I get it.  We've surrounded the barn.  Agent Mann, will give me the go.

He's inside?

He'll be on the podium with Grimsley.When we blow the doors can you cover the escapes route?

I got it.

Sound effect: JONES clicking off mic.

JONES (to himself)
Now the part I hate, the waiting. I prefer to work alone. But Marty's a good cop and I had good feeling about Agent Mann when I met him last week. Now the part I hate.  The waiting.
Sound effect:  going back in the past music, sound of woman in extasy.

This ain't my flashback. My bad.

(Different flashback music)

Jones, meet agent Mann.  He's been uncover for the last six months inside The Real American Movement, Mann meet the Jade City Pharaoh.

It's an honor.  Always thought it was a shame you never had your own Saturday Morning cartoon.

(cartoon sounds)

Travesty is what it is, but tell us about Grimsley?  His hateful rhectoric got my friend Ibrahim killed, I understand he's preparing to go beyond just talking now…  I want him.

Grimsley has established a wing of forty men, he calls them the Patriot Brigade.  They're all armed with assault weapons and they're planning simultaneous attacks on all the mosques in Jade City in the next few days.  

Sound effect:  Past Music bring us back to present.

Okay Jones, we've got a visual.  Grimsley standing on a bale of hay, looks like he's getting ready to make a speech.

Where's Agent Mann?

Don't see him.

(Applause) Real Americans!  Our time has come!   Tonight, the take back of our country begins. We are not terrorists, we are Patriots and our homeland has been invaded.  They train their minions in so called places of worship but tonight there will be no hiding place.  We know their plan, to destroy us from the inside. Men founded this country with names like Washington, Jefferson and Adams, not Obama.  In fact, the enemies' tentacles are so long they have reached our sacred brotherhood.  Bring him out!

(Panicked) Oh God, they got Mann tied to a chair.  Grimsley's got a gun.  Red Team Go! Red Team Go!
Sound effect: explosion.  Glass breaking, fighting, gunshots as the SWAT team makes it's entrance.

Fight! Fight! Patriots!  Fight!  For God and Country!!!!

Sound effect:  Grimsley running, then getting in the car, shutting door

Gotta get out of here!  (startled)  WHOA!

Close your mouth Grimsley, you act like you ain't never seen a Black Superhero before.

Sound effect:  Herald hitting GRIMSLEY knocking him out.JONES getting out of car.Marty running up with Agent Mann.


Marty----where's agent Mann??

Over here!---Ah, good you got him!

He's out cold.  What happened to him?

He got stole on by a funky black dude in a green cape. 


Over here


Glad to see you're okay agent Mann.  Look, I need to get cross town to Chan's, got to get an order of Kung Pao Chicken before they close, I'maholla at ya'll.

Sound effect:  Herald taking off abruptly, loud with music

That's one bad mother-

Yeah, we know.


Carol Jackson has been with WUNC since 2006. As Digital News Editor, she writes stories for, and helps reporters and hosts make digital versions of their radio stories. She is also responsible for sharing stories on social media. Previously, Carol spent eight years with WUNC's nationally syndicated show The Story with Dick Gordon, serving as Managing Editor and Interim Senior Producer.
Longtime NPR correspondent Frank Stasio was named permanent host of The State of Things in June 2006. A native of Buffalo, Frank has been in radio since the age of 19. He began his public radio career at WOI in Ames, Iowa, where he was a magazine show anchor and the station's News Director.
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