The largest landfill in North Carolina is located in Sampson County, next to a small, historically Black community called Snow Hill. The landfill has a well-documented history of air pollution. Recent data also shows nearby water is contaminated with toxic chemicals known as PFAS.
Orange County officials are reaching out to residents in the historic Rogers Road community to expedite sewer service. The historically African-American…
You mean well, and want to help the environment. But have you ever tossed a plastic bag in your blue curbside recycling bin? Or a styrofoam container? You…
The South Wake Landfill in Apex is putting its garbage to work. Wake County recently hosted an open house for its landfill gas power plant.Solid Waste…
The Raleigh City Council wants to reduce the amount of garbage it sends to a landfill in Southern Wake County.Raleigh pays about $33 for each ton of…
A growing contingent of manufacturers is working to make products with packaging that won't end up in a landfill.They'll have a workshop devoted to…
Lawmakers in the state senate have passed a measure that scales back restrictions on landfills.Senate Bill 328 would reduce buffers between wildlife…