Johnson C. Smith University provided a student success coach for each of its first-year students. The university says the initiative led to a boost in reenrollment.
The board approved chancellors’ plans to eliminate programs like drama, religious studies and physics.
Religious studies is one of four academic departments Chancellor Kimberly van Noort proposed to eliminate from UNC Asheville.
UNC Asheville is proposing to eliminate several academic departments and concentrations, due to declines in enrollment and tuition.
Co-hosts Leoneda Inge and Jeff Tiberii are joined by a panel to explore the world of post-secondary education beyond bachelor's programs, and to unpack the stigmas around not going to four-year college.
NC Promise cuts tuition to $500 per semester for some schools, while other regional universities' tuition stays in the thousands.
A UNC Greensboro physics professor was only months away from tenure when the university announced that it's planning to eliminate 20 departments, including hers.
The department dean’s recommendations include 19 programs, majors and minors total — affecting about 194 students.
UNC Greensboro's chancellor and provost will share department deans' recommendations for which programs should be cut.
UNC-Greensboro is conducting an academic program review, which could lead to program cuts. Students, faculty and the UNCG community are worried humanities programs might be the first to go.