Special Note About Year End Gifts
Deadlines for Gifts in the 2009 Tax Year
-The last business day for WUNC’s offices in 2009 is Wednesday, December 30th, and this may impact your plans for making an end-of-year gift as part of your 2009 tax plans.
Gift Types:
CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS: Credit card payments called in to our office will be given a gift received date that reflects the date and time the call was taken. To be credited in the 2009 tax year, the cutoff for a credit card gift given by phone is Wednesday, December 30th at 5 p.m.
CHECK PAYMENTS: Any check POSTMARKED equal or prior to Dec. 31, 2009 will be accounted for in the 2009 calendar year.
ON-LINE GIFTS: The deadline for making a gift in the 2009 tax year through WUNC’s on-line pledge form is Thursday, December 31. Gifts can be made on-line until 11:59 PM on December 31, however, please keep in mind that the time stamp is set by our on-line vendor, whose clock may be different from your computer clock.
STOCK GIFTS: must be into a UNC account on or before December 31. ** Many stock gifts arrive with insufficient information to identify the donor. Please call Jennifer Fusco at (919) 445-9112, if you are planning to make a stock gift.
- Friday, December 18th Deadline for many Companies: Many companies have calendar year-end deadlines (Including: IBM, Burlington Industries, Monsanto and State Farm Insurance Company).
- IBM only matches once a year: In order to ensure that we process and return all matching gift forms to IBM by Wednesday, December 31st, we need to receive your form by December 18th. If we miss this deadline, we don't get the match for another year, so we greatly appreciate your help in getting us your matching gift form by December 18th!
Delivery Details:
- U.S. Mail: The postmark on the U.S. mail indicates the gift date. The postmark must be before midnight on December 31.
- UPS or FedEx: Gifts must be received by December 30th - the gift date is the date we receive the package.
- WUNC Website Pledge Form: Deadline is Thursday, December 31st.
Special Contributions
WUNC is grateful to the many donors who make special year-end gifts that they plan with their tax-advisors, or are recognized as Legacy Society members for including provisions for WUNC in their estate plans. If you, or your financial advisor, have questions about WUNC's management of special contributions, please contact Jennifer Fusco at (919) 445-9112.