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How Ronald Reagan remade Republican politics through North Carolina

Internet Archive
Citizens for Reagan TV ad, 1976

In 1976, North Carolina was the turning point for Ronald Reagan’s GOP primary campaign.

It set the stage for his eventual election to President, and his effort to reshape the party are a defining characteristic of our current political landscape.

Tom Ellis was a campaign aid who helped Republican Jesse Helms win election to the U.S. Senate. He helped the Reagan campaign win North Carolina in the 1976 primary, and later rise to the Presidency for two terms.

- Ben Bradford is host and producer of NPR and WFAE’s Landslide podcast about the election that reshaped American politics. He's worked for WFAE in Charlotte, CapRadio in Sacramento and Marketplace.

Jeff Tiberii is the co-host of WUNC's "Due South." Jeff joined WUNC in 2011. During his 20 years in public radio, he was Morning Edition Host at WFDD and WUNC’s Greensboro Bureau Chief and later, the Capitol Bureau Chief. Jeff has covered state and federal politics, produced the radio documentary “Right Turn,” launched a podcast, and was named North Carolina Radio Reporter of the Year four times.
Cole del Charco is an audio producer and writer based in Durham. He's made stories for public radio's All Things Considered, Morning Edition and Marketplace. Before joining Due South, he spent time as a freelance journalist, an education and daily news reporter for WUNC, and a podcast producer for WFAE in Charlotte.