Steven Petrow
Steven Petrow is a respected journalist and the go-to source for modern manners, as cited by The New York Times, People, Time,and NPR. Known as "Mr. Manners” until Miss Manners threatened to sue him for trademark infringement, Steven’s often humorous, but always insightful advice has made him a nationally recognized expert. In addition to his five etiquette books, Petrow writes the "Civilities" column for the Washington Post as well as "Digital Ethics" for USA Today. Previously, he penned The New York Times's "Civil Behavior" column, "Digital Dilemmas" for Parade magazine, and "Medical Manners" for Everyday Health.
Steven and his guest experts take questions from listeners and audience members at a live show in Durham, North Carolina. Of course, that's the hometown…
In this all-advice episode, Steven Petrow answers a handful of questions from his mailbag. He’ll tell you whether you have to tip the owner of a service…
It's easy for many to feel a little blue this time of year, now that we're now smack dab in the dark days of December. The holidays can be especially…
Kim Severson of The New York Times joins me for a special holiday episode of The Civilist podcast. Right at the top we make a promise: To give you the…
In this episode of The Civilist podcast, I invited two kick-ass college senior to join me in answering questions from their peers about college life, free…
With less than two weeks to go before we elect a new president, a third of the US Senate and the entire House of Representatives, it sure is a nasty,…
Earlier this week, #mentalhealthday was a trending topic on Twitter. To end the stigma and breach the loneliness, I hope our attention goes beyond this —…
Steven calls on the wisdom of cancer bloggers who found real-life support systems online. Guest experts Anne Strainchamps and Joshua Johnson return to…
Steven digs into Bathroom Laws, and just what the rules are for everyone. In New Rules For Better Behavior, is the wife’s word the last word in deciding…
Steven Petrow sits down to chat with transgender activist and singer Mx. Justin Vivian Bond, who says respect must trump grammar. Guest experts Kim…