Rachel Lewis Hilburn
Rachel Lewis Hilburn came to WHQR in the spring of 2011. After serving as back-up host for Morning Edition, All Things Considered, and Classical Music for a year, she was named News Director in July of 2012.
She moved to Wilmington in 2003 from Los Angeles, where she worked as a financial advisor for Morgan Stanley. After joining the local ABC affiliate in Wilmington, she wrote and produced local TV newscasts, a 30-minute special program for the Cape Fear Museum showcasing its renovation and new exhibits, and independently wrote and produced a documentary on the lingering effects of the 1898 coup d'etat in Wilmington. Before joining the staff, Rachel partnered with New York co-producer Linda Bianchi and produced Stories, Wine, and Cheese - a series of local, live storytelling events which aired on WHQR.
Wilmington, North Carolina is about to become the first World War II Heritage City in the United States. President Donald Trump is expected to make the…
Fifty years ago, the insecticide DDT nearly wiped out pelicans. Today, four- to five-thousand pairs nest in North Carolina – about a quarter of them on...
Businesses are slowly and carefully starting to open. At Costco in Wilmington, which opened for just a few hours yesterday, shoppers went in 200 at a...