Update at 9:21 a.m. ET, Jan. 8
We reported Wednesday evening that Frederick County, Md., Council Member Kirby Delauter has apologized. You can find that story here.
Our original post:
Frederick County, Md., Council Member Kirby Delauter threatened a local reporter with a lawsuit for using his name in a story without permission.
Delauter was mentioned exactly once in that article about parking issues. We could explain what he said in his Facebook post on Monday; instead we'll just point you to the screen grab, captured by The Washington Post.

Delauter's original post appears to have been removed.
Well, today, the Frederick News-Post responded, in an an editorial, which is in the form of an acrostic, originally scheduled to be published next Sunday. Its headline: "Kirby Delauter, Kirby Delauter, Kirby Delauter."
The piece's tone is tongue-in-cheek. Here's an excerpt:
"Knowing Councilman Kirby Delauter as we do, we weren't surprised that he threatened The Frederick News-Post with a lawsuit because we had, he says — and we're not making this up — been putting Kirby Delauter's name in the paper without Kirby Delauter's authorization. Attorneys would be called, Kirby Delauter said.
"In fact, we spent quite some time laughing about it. Kirby Delauter, an elected official; Kirby Delauter, a public figure? Surely, Kirby Delauter can't be serious? Kirby Delauter's making a joke, right?"
Do head over to the Frederick News-Postfor the full editorial. It's worth the read.
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