The credits roll on the beloved, critically-acclaimed film you just watched, but, you aren't impressed. Confused thoughts flash through your head. Are you out of touch, or missing something? Finally, you settle on the most gratifying option: this movie is just overrated.
We've all watched a massively popular film only to scratch our heads and wonder what all the hype was about. Even though some films enjoy an almost mythical reputation, the reality is that no movie can please absolutely everyone.
For our next Movies on the Radio, we're talking about overrated movies. Do you despise "The Godfather?” Are you sick of hearing people drone on endlessly about "The Shawshank Redemption," or the black and white courtroom drama "12 Angry Men," or yet another one of Quentin Tarantino's blood-soaked crime capers?
If so, don't be ashamed of your contrarian opinion! Send us your pick for the most overrated film in history. Our film experts Marsha Gordon and Laura Boyes will offer their analysis on listener picks and talk about the movies they think received excessive attention, acclaim or awards.
Send your overrated movie pick to or tweet with #SOTmovie for a chance to be on the show!