The city of Greensboro is spending more money to study the feasibility of building a downtown performing arts center.
Jeff Tiberii: City Council members were divided on whether or not to spend an additional 200-thousand dollars to research the arts project. The city has already allocated more than 100-thousand dollars for planning and a task force. Supporters envision a site similar to DPAC in Durham. Opponents want more information about location, funding and just who will have access to the facility. Councilwoman Marikay Abuzuaiter wants the project, but believes the city has greater needs:
Marikay Abuzuaiter: We still don't have someone to take care of our municipal solid waste. We still have not gained momentum on recycling in Greensboro.
The City Council heard a final report from the task force earlier this year and decided it would need more information before sending a bond referendum to the voters. This project has been pitched as a public-private partnership.