As many of you will know, that's the theme for StoryCorps, which you usually hear on Fridays. Today, we want to tell you about a new initiative from StoryCorps founder David Isay.
DAVID ISAY: We're asking U.S. history teachers - high school teachers - to ask their students over Thanksgiving weekend to record a grandparent or another elder using the StoryCorps app. We are hoping to record as many interviews over that one weekend than we've recorded over the last 12 years combined.
MONTAGNE: Very ambitious, and David says the idea is to create an audio snapshot of one American generation hearing from another. I'm here to tell you it's not too early to start thinking about who to interview or what you might want to hear from someone in your life who is older. In the meantime, you can hear any of your favorite StoryCorps moments at our website - npr.org. Transcript provided by NPR, Copyright NPR.