Midway, about 15 minutes south of Winston-Salem, wasn’t even a town for most of its history. The Davidson County community became a municipality in 2006 in an effort to avoid getting annexed into the nearby city.
Many of the comparatively few universities that serve rural students are eliminating large numbers of programs and majors, blaming plummeting enrollment and resulting financial crises. Nationwide, college enrollment has declined by 2 million students, or 10 percent, in the 10 years ending in 2022, hitting rural schools particularly hard. An increasing number of rural private, nonprofit colleges are not only cutting majors, but closing altogether.
Democrats are outpacing Republicans on advertising spending in North Carolina, hoping to make up for Joe Biden's losing the state in 2020. Both parties also face the challenge of engaging with voters who may feel indifferent or even disgusted with the ballot choices they face.
The program was created as part of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021 and was a follow-up to the Emergency Broadband Benefit, which helped households afford internet access during the COVID-19 pandemic.
A surge of North Carolinians are moving to rural areas to retire or to escape high housing costs in the Triangle. That's prompted some rural counties to find ways of both welcoming and preparing new residents for life alongside working farms.
The tiny town of East Laurinburg in Scotland County could lose its charter in the next two months.
Marshall Stevens is a simple man.He's one of 279 people who call the Scotland County town of East Laurinburg home. Last election, he won the race for…
Just as families are gathering for the holidays, many rural communities are dealing with a growing number of COVID-19 cases and deaths.James Hamilton's…
College sophomore Ty Meyer has been spending lots of time in parking lots lately, mostly at McDonald's or his local library. It's often his best option…
Television shows like “The Dukes of Hazzard” and “The Beverly Hillbillies” exemplified the country stereotype in American culture. Characters were…