December marks the two-year anniversary of The State of Things monthly Movies On The Radio series. Each month, Host Frank Stasio and film experts Laura Boyes and Marsha Gordon select a category and listeners submit their film picks. The tables are turning. We want to hear from you - what topic would you like to hear on Movies On The Radio? Send an email to and put "Movies" in the subject line.
Here's a list of the previous Movies On The Radio shows:
The Graduate
Hitchcock Hits
Guilty Pleasures/Bad Movies
Science Fiction Films
Funniest Scenes In Cinema
Teen Movie Moment
Favorite On-Screen Kiss
Best and Worst Films of 2014
Movies Filmed in North Carolina
Film Noir
Favorite Character
Patriotic Films
Film you watch over and over
Which Was Better: Book vs. Movie
Movies That Traumatized You As a Child
Unconventional Love Stories
Legal Movies
Holiday Favorites