Durham Public Schools and Wake County Schools say they welcome all students, regardless of their immigration status. The two school systems are among several across the state and country to issue guidance amid the Trump Administration's proposed crackdown on people in the U.S. without legal status.
In a statement issued Tuesday, DPS said “The safety and well-being of our students is our top priority. Protections exist for student records and identifying information in those records under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Durham Public Schools will disclose confidential student information to immigration officials only as authorized or required by law.”
"Please know that we are talking about this every day and ensuring that we have the appropriate protocols in place at the school level and throughout this district to continue to protect all of our students and staff,” superintendent Anthony Lewis told the DPS board of Education Tuesday night.
In Wake County, the school system released a statement “to reaffirm our commitment to fostering a safe and welcoming environment where all children can learn and thrive.” Both districts pointed to a 1982 U.S. Supreme Court case, Plyler v. Doe, which stated that public schools must serve all students, regardless of immigration status.
Some students say they worry for themselves and their classmates. A 17-year-old Durham student who addressed the DPS board said her peers deserved to learn and thrive without fear. One parent wanted the board to issue policies to make sure unauthorized people cannot take students out of school. After taking office last week, President Donald Trump rescinded a policy that prohibited immigration arrests at schools, hospitals, and places of worship.
“We know that the most recent changes to our federal immigration law has caused angst and fear," Superintendent Lewis said. “I want everyone in this community to know that our aim is to bring assurances and accurate information as we have conferred and continue to confer with our in-house counsel and learn how These changes in this law will affect our district.”