Songs We Love is a series and a podcast that looks at the stories behind some of the songs we're playing on our new music discovery stream, WUNC Music.
This time, Eric Hodge sits down with Chapel Hill's Mipso to discuss their song "Water Runs Red" from the album Coming Down The Mountain.
Mipso's Libby Rodenbaugh wrote "Water Runs Red" and says that it's quite different from other Mipso songs and that it almost didn't make the record.
"It was obvious to us that it had a slightly different tone, but we eventually decided that was a good element to include."
Listen to the episode here:
You can check out the full interview and more music here:
Libby was featured on the Triangle-based podcast "She and Her," co-hosted by Anita Rao of The State of Things. The show explores the lives and stories of millennial women in the South. Libby joined the show to discuss her creative process and experience being a woman musician on stages dominated by men.