The anti-tax advocate, Grover Norquist, visited state legislators today to praise their efforts to lower personal and corporate income taxes.
Norquist is the head of Americans For Tax Reform in Washington, D.C.
"When you have, as you have in North Carolina, a Governor and strong showings in the House and the Senate at the state legislature committed, we're not going to raise taxes. So when we go to do tax reform, voters in North Carolina can know that we're talking about reforming taxes, not creating a Trojan horse and sticking tax hikes inside it," says Norquist.
House Republican leaders say they want to reduce the combined state and local sales tax consumers pay from 6-point-7-5 percent to 6-point-6-5 percent.
Senate leaders have already proposed reducing the sales tax to 6-point-5 percent and broadening the sales tax base to include more services.
The Governor has not offered a specific tax reform plan, although he has said that he supports lower corporate income taxes.