The wife a former campaign staffer is back on the witness stand at the John Edwards federal corruption trial in Greensboro today.
Jeff Tiberii: On Tuesday Cheri Young answered questions about her first-hand knowledge of steps taken to hide John Edwards affair. Defense attorney Alan Duncan also asked Young if she ever had problems with her memory, the use of ambien by her husband, and about her personal feelings toward former North Carolina senator John Edwards. Young was far less animated than she was during her tearful testimony on Monday. She and her husband Andrew Young tried to hide Edwards mistress Rielle Hunter in 2007 and 2008. Cheri Young deposited hundreds of thousands of dollars from two wealthy donors and Andrew Young initially claimed paternity of Edward's child. The defense says the Youngs kept most of the money intended to hide Hunter, and used it on their house. Cheri Young could step down from the stand today. Former Edwards aide Josh Brumberger is expected to testify next. He was with Edwards when he met Rielle Hunter.