Bennett College in Greensboro is looking to the future while noting recent growth from its past.
Jeff Tiberii: The all women’s historically black college will continue to grow in the next few years. Yesterday President Julianne Malveaux spoke to the board of trustees and several local officials about plans to raise enrollment to 1,000 students and build several new buildings on campus. All told, Malveaux estimates projects between 70 and 100 million dollars by 2020.
Julianne Malveaux: We’ll begin a capitol campaign at some point this year in 20-12. We’re not sure what piece of the apple we’re going to bite off. It might be something like 30 or 40 million, not the whole bit, because of these economic times, but we will begin a capital campaign very soon.
Bennett College recently got off of six months financial probation for financial instability. The Greensboro school has increased enrollment by close to 40-percent in the last five years.