The zoo at the Greensboro Science Center will double in size to make room for more endangered species habitats.
The $10 million Revolution Ridge project will feature live and virtual exhibits, and breeding programs for rare animals, according to CEO Glenn Dobrogosz.
Perhaps of special interest, the new exhibits will feature endangered species like cassowaries, okapi and pygmy hippos.
"Everyone knows what hippopotamus is, but most people don't know that there's a hippo that's kind of a small one, and it's their smaller endangered cousin," said Dobrogosz. "It only stands as tall as a pig. But another endangered species that needs attention, needs focus, and we'll (have) a great breeding program here at the center."
In addition, the museum will feature a small cat complex, a red panda exhibit, a brand new veterinary complex, and a state-of-the-art conservation classroom.
The zoo is still in the design and fundraising phases, but Dobrogosz said it will open in 2019. The Greensboro Science Center's aquarium and museum have new expansions opening before then.