NPR's Scott Simon is in town tonight, with a presentation at the Carolina Theatre. The topic looks incredibly interesting:
Learning about true hospitality and graciousness from people in hellish places. Pizza in Kosovo, pasta in a refugee camp, and faux cheese during the siege of Sarajevo. Sometimes, eating well is the best revenge.
According to his bio, Simon has covered ten wars. He likely has the food stories to match.
Find out more about the event here.
I'd love to see y'all at Carolina Theater tonight. @wunc @CarolinaDurham How's my pronunciation ?
— Scott Simon (@nprscottsimon) March 12, 2014
@nprscottsimon @wunc @CarolinaDurham Drop the "I'd" and go right to "Love to see ya'll" and you're there.
— Gary Craig (@gcraig1) March 12, 2014
@nprscottsimon @wunc @CarolinaDurham I'm pretty sure "all y'all" is more correct in this case.
— Natalie Harris (@natlhspeak) March 12, 2014