Now, panel, what will replace wrestling in the Olympics? Roxanne Roberts?
ROXANNE ROBERTS: Cage fights between drugged roosters and nervous fish called Cock-a-doodle Don't.
SAGAL: Brian Babylon?
BRIAN BABYLON: A new aquatic event called Competitive Cruise Ship Towing.
SAGAL: And Luke Burbank?
LUKE BURBANK: Drug Free Cycling, which in all honestly is going to mean sometimes walking the bikes up the hills.
CARL KASELL: Well, if we see any of those events in the Olympics, panel, we'll ask you about it on WAIT WAIT...DON'T TELL ME!
SAGAL: Thank you, Carl Kasell. Thanks also to Roxanne Roberts, Luke Burbank and Brian Babylon. Thanks to all of you for listening. I am Peter Sagal and we will see you next week.
SAGAL: This is NPR. Transcript provided by NPR, Copyright NPR.