People use Craigslist for any number of reasons: finding an apartment, spicing up their love lives, job hunting. But how many people use it to see how many free pianos they can acquire? It's a testament to Neko Case's wit and creativity that she did just that prior to recording her excellent new album, Middle Cyclone. Her first solo album in three years, it puts all those ivories to good use as a piano orchestra.
Case, along with Kelly Hogan on vocals and Paul Rigby on guitar, stopped by KUT's studios in Austin on the eve of her tour. There, they explained how the newly acquired piano orchestra allowed Case to record a great rendition of the Harry Nilsson tune "Don't Forget Me" in the barn at her new farm in Vermont.
Case also described how, as a child, she spent half her formative years accompanying her archaeologist father on digs, and how that translated to the nature imagery prevalent on Middle Cyclone: Robins, frogs and crickets even make appearances. Case also discussed how seemingly disparate influences shaped the sound of her unforgettable voice. And, for all the New Pornographers fans out there, she offered a status report. Here's hoping that Case's culinary needs (read: queso) bring her back to the Lone Star State soon.
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