With some verbal sleight of hand, John Ciardi explores the origins of the words midriff and rib. They're relationship is not what it may seem, linguistically, at least.
From the "focus" of Roman homes to the chimneys of modern homes, the history of the fireplace is a journey across Europe. Each epoch and culture has had its own method of keeping the home fires lit.
Mickey Mouse is a famous cartoon character, perhaps the most famous. But there is also the phrase "mickey mouse," which may be traced back to the slang of World War II. But it's a bit of slang that falls into a gray area rarely visited by lexicographers.
Where did the name grapefruit come from? It's an obvious misnomer. There's nothing grape about the fruit. Some have tried to explain away physical reasons for the name. But the truth lies in that alley of language containing other mixed words, like eggplant.